Blue Chairs
I am part of the MIX co-op at the Niza Knoll Gallery, in the Santa Fe Arts District, Denver. Every year we do an exhibit where we MIX artists take over the whole gallery; everyone shows their latest, brightest work. I did a series I call sit and the rationale went something like this...
Chairs as muse? Apparently so. This art work is the derivation of two old blue, really ratty, chairs. They have been part of my home for years. I have always liked the humbleness of them, the hand made-ness. But mostly, I like them because they are blue. They became part of the family story; places for daily mail, holders of back packs, extras for big family dinners, No one in the family ever wanted to sit on these chairs; they are too uncomfortable and scratchy…
Yeah, but they’re blue. The art pieces they inspired are a reflection on sitting. Making these pieces, I let my mind wander, thinking about sitting. Sitting led to daydreaming, resting, being, then conversing with old friends, planning, looking toward the future. The paintings flowed intuitively and the results are surprising to me.
I encourage you to explore your own interpretation of what it means to sit.