Chairs as muse? Apparently so. This art work is the derivation of two old blue, really ratty, chairs. They have been part of my home for years. I have always liked the humbleness of them, the hand made-ness. But mostly, I like them because they are blue. They became part of the family story; places for daily mail, holders of back packs, extras for big family dinners, No one in the family ever wanted to sit on these chairs; they are too uncomfortable and scratchy…
But mostly, I like them because they are blue. Yeah, but they can also be red, or any color. These are about the art of sitting. Think about sitting, letting your mind wander, daydreaming, resting, being, then conversing with old friends, planning, looking toward the future. Thinking about sitting is great but actually do the sitting is recommended.

Encaustic, over monoprint with collaged bits, image transfer, DSC09551 SOLD

8x10" part of the Red Chairs series that mixes print making and encaustic in a great layered way DSC00264

Encaustic, with image transfers, sgraffito, 18x18, DSC09910

Encaustic blue chairs over recycled paper, 24x24 DSC09562

Encaustic, colored pencil, transfers- DSC00256

8x10" part of the Red Chairs series that mixes print making and encaustic in a great layered way DSC00237

8x10" part of the Red Chairs series that mixes print making and encaustic in a great layered way DSC00226

Encaustic, with image transfers, sgraffito, 18x18, DSC09961

Encaustic, image transfer, added dipped fabric panel, 18x18 DSC00090